Legal information


At Admiral Group SA, we take legal matters seriously. We want to ensure that our clients and partners understand their rights and responsibilities when doing business with us.

Here are some of the important legal information you should know:

Admiral Group SA is a limited liability company registered in Cameroon.

  • Our registration number is [registration number].
  • Our head office is located at [head office address].
  • We are subject to the laws and regulations of Cameroon regarding agriculture and ecotourism.
  • We have a privacy policy that describes how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.
  • We also have terms and conditions of sale that describe the terms and conditions of our products and services.

As a client or partner of Admiral Group SA, it is important that you read and understand these legal information. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help.

Admiral Group

ADMIRAL Group SA is investing in agro-pastoral, education, security, and finance to promote innovative projects with high potential. The company is establishing agro-industries (ADMIRAL FARMS), strengthening the capacities of actors in agro-pastoral sectors (ADMIRAL ACADEMY), offering financing, and ensuring the security of businesses (ADMIRAL SECURITY).

Contact us

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Ours contacts
Yaoundé, Cameroun derrière Tradex Ahala (+237) 6xx xx xx xx (+237) 6xx xx xx xx De Lundi à Samedi, 8h - 18h (Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm)

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