Our vision


At Admiral Group SA, our vision is to promote environmentally friendly agriculture and contribute to the economic and social development of Cameroon. We believe that sustainable agriculture is the key to a better future for our planet and for future generations.

To achieve our vision, we have adopted a holistic approach that takes into account the entire value chain of the agro-industry. We work closely with input suppliers, producers, processors, distributors, transporters, consumers, and tourists to ensure the sustainability and quality of our products and services.

Our goal is to become a leader in the field of sustainable agriculture and ecotourism in Cameroon. We want to offer high-quality products and services, while minimizing our impact on the environment. We also want to contribute to the economic and social development of Cameroon by creating jobs and supporting local communities.

To achieve these goals, we have put in place a series of measures, such as the use of precision techniques and natural and organic inputs in our production, the promotion of entrepreneurship and a spirit of enterprise in the field of agriculture, and the provision of advisory and training services in sustainable agriculture.

Ultimately, our vision is to create a better future for all, through sustainable agriculture and responsible ecotourism.

Admiral Group

ADMIRAL Group SA is investing in agro-pastoral, education, security, and finance to promote innovative projects with high potential. The company is establishing agro-industries (ADMIRAL FARMS), strengthening the capacities of actors in agro-pastoral sectors (ADMIRAL ACADEMY), offering financing, and ensuring the security of businesses (ADMIRAL SECURITY).

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Ours contacts
Yaoundé, Cameroun derrière Tradex Ahala (+237) 6xx xx xx xx (+237) 6xx xx xx xx contac@admiralgroupsa.com De Lundi à Samedi, 8h - 18h (Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm)

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