Sustainable fish feed production at Admiral Farm


 Fish feed production is an essential component of sustainable aquaculture. Fish feed is specially formulated feed to meet the nutritional needs of farmed fish. Admiral Farm, the agricultural division of Admiral Group SA, produces fish feed in a sustainable way to provide healthy and nutritious food for farmed fish.

Our approach to sustainable fish feed production involves using environmentally friendly practices to grow high-quality raw materials. We use sustainable farming methods, such as crop rotation and integrated pest management, to reduce the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. We also source local raw materials to reduce our carbon footprint.

We use modern production processes to transform the raw materials into high-quality fish feed. We use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure efficient and accurate feed processing. We also regularly test our fish feed to ensure its quality and safety.

Our sustainable fish feed production also contributes to food security and job creation in local communities. We work closely with local farmers to help them adopt sustainable farming practices and provide a stable source of income.

 In addition to providing healthy and nutritious food for farmed fish, our sustainable fish feed production also helps to preserve natural ecosystems by reducing pressure on wild fish stocks and reducing water pollution from aquaculture.


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Admiral Group

ADMIRAL Group SA is investing in agro-pastoral, education, security, and finance to promote innovative projects with high potential. The company is establishing agro-industries (ADMIRAL FARMS), strengthening the capacities of actors in agro-pastoral sectors (ADMIRAL ACADEMY), offering financing, and ensuring the security of businesses (ADMIRAL SECURITY).

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