Admiral Farm's White Worms


Admiral Farm, the agricultural division of Admiral Group S.A., produces high-quality white worms for animal feed and compost production. We use innovative and environmentally friendly breeding techniques to produce healthy and robust white worms, while preserving biodiversity.

Our white worms are raised in optimal conditions, with a balanced diet and special attention paid to their well-being. We use sustainable breeding methods, such as integrated pest and disease management, to ensure the health of our white worms and preserve the environment.

White worms are an important source of protein for livestock, especially for poultry and fish. They are also used for compost production, as they contribute to the decomposition of organic waste and improve soil quality.

In addition to our white worm production, we also offer technical and managerial support to producers to help them improve their breeding practices and adopt more sustainable and responsible methods. We also sell our products online, which allows consumers to benefit from fresh and high-quality products, while supporting sustainable and responsible agriculture.

Join us in our vision of sustainable and responsible agriculture by discovering our white worm production. We are convinced that our approach to agriculture can contribute to a greener and more prosperous future for all.


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Admiral Group

ADMIRAL Group SA is investing in agro-pastoral, education, security, and finance to promote innovative projects with high potential. The company is establishing agro-industries (ADMIRAL FARMS), strengthening the capacities of actors in agro-pastoral sectors (ADMIRAL ACADEMY), offering financing, and ensuring the security of businesses (ADMIRAL SECURITY).

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Yaoundé, Cameroun derrière Tradex Ahala (+237) 6xx xx xx xx (+237) 6xx xx xx xx De Lundi à Samedi, 8h - 18h (Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm)

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